[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Justicar info said scum have anticlaim mechanics.


Thatā€™s true

JusticIar gave us the info.

Kyo if youā€™re jisticar what are the Omega actions or whatever

It does not mean there is specifically a claimvig.

What the fuck?

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Does Justicar have any anti conversion abilities?

There are no conversions?

Have you read the last few min jake

ā€¦Why am I engaging in a mechanical discussion again?
I need to save myself before itā€™s too late.

Cartwheels away.

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wait what? how would he be?
didnā€™t it say no flip-tampering? or does that not apply to nightkills or something

Stop. Discussing. Mechanics.

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I mean, being able to like know what scum can do is pretty nice?

Excuuuuuse me?

Are you pulling someoneā€™s leg?

Iā€™m scumreading SDA here. They want to find the Justicar. Theyā€™re eliminating players based on their answers to their question

How many times does this lesson have to be taught? Mafia games are hardly ever solved mechanically. So stop talking about mechanics, especially when we know so little. The setup is designed around unknown mechanics.

Come on.

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Discussing mechanics is important somewhat

?? He legit just said he was justicar

No. Itā€™s not. Especially not in this setup. We have a class that anonymously reveals mechanical information, and they are still alive. We donā€™t need more than that.

Yes guys lets not discuss mechanics because thatā€™s a great idea lets all open claim because mechanics arenā€™t important