[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Yeah, just sit on your ass then why don’t you, I couldn’t give a shit.

people are just talking about talking about mechanics and then giving up

I’M IN FUCKING CLASS!!! I can’t do shit right now!

Yeah, I’m not Justicar, I LIED again XDXDXDXD you guys fell for it!

I’m not going to do that, I’m seriously done with that shit.

Also this is super obvious lets not even pretend.

Can we do something other then talk about something useful like Arete? or something

Yeah, and that’s a FAIR REASON, but I was on about the past few days we’ve had where you have done NOTHING.

Saying it now so the bullshit stops. Wazza isn’t the justiciar.

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Like it wasn’t obvious.

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I didn’t even get a redcheck last night, so I couldn’t care less.

Can we please go onto discuss scum reads instead of this.

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Why is everyone outing?
Do we just not care about the anti-claim mechanic anymore

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slams head on desk Wazza, you know what happened yesterday. I’m busy on fucking Wednesdays

Hopefully this feeling isn’t how you feel about me. Because I often feel about giving up and I go on a big rant but I come back and continue at the end of the day. I rarely replace out.

I didn’t earlier when I was more than tempted to.

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Priestess was our test subject and nothing happened to them.
I don’t think it’s a claimvig. I think it’s a negative effect though.

I’ve literally given up.

I could not, give a fucking shit, about this game, anymore. Is, that, simple enough, for you?

mafia player 101

Priestess is scum, that’s why.

i just tuned into this thread after 3 hours so i have missed this entire altercation

why is priestess scum?

Wazza isn’t the justiciar. If he was, alice would have revealed the enemy faction name. She mentioned this before you bunch of god damn wallnuts.

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