[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Because I wanted to be able to out my result without outing myself

That really is the feedback, I asked yesterday

Conroy r u still here

This is a similar case to Marshal. Shurian is not afraid of anything when he posts. He is not afraid to shitpost, to attempt generating content, to participate in discussions whenever he feels like it. He seems to me as someone who follows his gut throughout this match. ā€œI have something to say, might as well say it now. I feel like posting this, so I will post this.ā€ However, this freedom-centered attitude transcends his motivation as well. What do I mean by that? Shurian does not push a specific agenda. He is not trying to defend anyone or create a vision town will follow. All he does is his own thing, and that is inherently towny with the assumption there is nothing else that is scummy. And when it comes to Shurian, all that could make him scummy is some shade thrown by people like Priestess. I genuinely donā€™t believe Shurian has done a single scum-indicative thing this match. He is just town.


I have submitted the action in my class card and am waiting for Alice to process it.

I know whatā€™s also smart?

I hope majority doesnā€™t spam 4000 messages in first day, holy shit.

Thereā€™s a lost wolf

ā€¦Iā€™ve just realized I might have gotten Shurianā€™s gender wrong. @Shurian help me.

War is changed.

Okay I was TRing Wazz so maybe I should do an ISO on him

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Also, oof. Priestess is in that read. It goes to show I havenā€™t reevaluated, butā€¦ I donā€™t think Shurian has changed whatsoever.

Another reason why I find it hard to believe Areteā€™s claim is the fact they hardclaimed Arbiter in the most recent Hand of Byzantium game. What they are doing now feels like a part of that strategy, although the approach is different.

For clarification, they were scum when they hardclaimed Arbiter.

Well, if we are giving advice:

Advice for anyone who is confident in their ability to metaread

Have you ever had trouble finding somebodyā€™s games? There is a way to easily do that!

Go to search the search bar and enter this:

[Replace this with the Name/Nickname/Abbreviation of the person whose games youā€™re trying to find] in:first #forum-matches min_post_count:[Threshold to avoid hitting signups]

Iā€™m sorry if this is bad advice and everyone already knew this btw.


And Arbiter was the most powerful town class.

ā€¦I should shut up. Apologies.


Solic because knowing what I know he actually did scumslip with there not being conversion

PKR because he also scumslipped and, when U responded to the slip by asking him to give reads, repeatedly did not give any. I think this was an attempt to avoid spew.

Jgoes because heā€™s been incredibly hedgy in a way typical of newbscum and not typical of town him.

Tele because sheā€™s been non-stop contradicting herself and deathtunnelling with terrible logic.

This is four, but.

Probably went off-topic there.

I was trying to get myself quicklynched that game.

If Alice doesnā€™t come process my action, you can feel free to lynch me.

Do you think his play this game does not match his play in Clash of Cults game? If you think that, can you tell me exactly what the differences are?