[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I feel like I’m giving up right now tbh.
One of them is scum. Who it is, we do not know.
I want to just end this day to help my mind recover tbh.
We know it’s a 1 BD, 1 scum or we have a right to scream at Monokuma.

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That’s pretty convincing.
But also, could be an excuse not to use channel.

Exactly. That’s another reason I want him gone.
My abilities have been stolen.

Like fix it because maybe they cause it

So regardless we find one scum based on who flips. Marshal/Kyo — one has to be scum


Marshal has softed a ton of classes, including Justiciar and Prince, so the Mystic soft might not be that big of a deal. Perhaps he was laying crumbs so he could use them later if he had to. After all, you typically want to lay crumbs.

He softed almost every single ‘important’ class.

Still looking for a certain moment in the thread…

This one. Brb.

Why didnt you link luxy with waz

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I didn’t trust waz.

I thought shuri and luxy were town.

Also, shuri was SRing me and luxy knew my class, so I put them together so luxy could tell shuri

Didn’t WazzaAzza claim bled d1?

There were 3 bleeds.

Yeah, actually I thought Marshal or Max were softing Justicar and I was shook when Arete claimed it

Did luxy claim prince in chat


Very helpful read. :rofl:
I know. Mine aren’t much better. I can tell you’re trying.

Exactly. Why would they not pair eachother?

It doesn’t make sense from Marshal’s perspective. Luxy may have been a healer trying to get Wazza to heal eachother.

I was basically trying to express that he wasn’t acting like group scum


It absolutely does not make sense. If he was Mystic he would have suspected Wazza and Luxy to be in a healing bond and put them together so they could communicate with the bleeds.
He didn’t do that.

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I didn’t get those vibes, sorry.

Hang him.