[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

This contradicts yourself.

Iā€™m reading him as town but not disregarding that possibility if My other reads arenā€™t working out well

Me or Italy have to be scum according to Italy themself.

You must have like stopped reading after that

Is it me or is Solic basically just open wolfing?
Putting almost no effort into this game.

It even asked if I was claiming Hunter.
Like damn I do not see this as hard

I can see that. There can be a theory that implies one of you is scum. It basically entails that Italy is either lying about Arcane empowering you and trying to frame you over Luxyā€™s death and used the Sage day ability to redirect Luxyā€™s jail targetā€¦ or he is real court Wizard and empowered you and you didnā€™t TW Luxy and Luxy died

But that discounts the possibility that scum had a strongman to kill Luxy with and that they probably knew he was Prince based on everyone hinting toward it >>

Solicā€™s recent posts have felt like he was frozen in the thread. Basically he isnā€™t posting what anybody wants and is just doing his own thing in a way that feels more performative than gamesolvey.

Look at his recent posts and tell me thatā€™s not the conclusion youā€™re reaching. He has been re-evaluating and re-reading the game, sure. But all of these posts have led to nothing. He brought up some points, but he doesnā€™t appear to be going anywhere. Thatā€™s not what he did in LotR FM as town, where he had a clear direction.

He was similar D1 actually, but there was no lynch D1, so I was willing to let that slide. So far, I have been townreading him because he appears to replicate his attitude from LotR; proud, dismissive of people scumreading him, ready to stand his ground. But the thing he doesnā€™t seem to be replicating is direction.

Am I the only one seeing this?


So youā€™re saying he seemed similar to his LotR town play initially, but under further analysis you notice that his posts are going in circles / leading nowhere?

That seems like it would be a pretty big red flag already. How is it more noticeable now than it was day 1?

Alright, Iā€™m caught up now. Solic is super scummy and Iā€™d like to request that we let him self-resolve via bleeding out or not, but given that thereā€™s a thunderdome Iā€™d rather resolve that.

Bearing in mind that scum knows which if any of Priest and Mystic spawned, I think Kyo is more likely to be the scum here. I wouldnā€™t expect Marshal to randomly claim Mystic when he knows thereā€™s a Priest, whereas I could totally see Kyo claiming Priest when he knows thereā€™s a Mystic.

/vote Kyo


Also, since itā€™ll be outed tonight anyway and Iā€™ve seen a few people mentioning its target as a good one for night actions, Maxwell is my N1 greencheck, Iā€™m immune to tailors including the Godfather so you all should stick him in your townpile.


I should probably start using evidence for my reads.

ā€œIā€™m going to fake contributions throughout the day, so I might as well say it right now. I can use the argument ā€˜my thought process has been transparentā€™ if I set it up like this.ā€

ā€œI might as well call Hja and Priestess/Vulgard town because I wonā€™t be able to mislynch them.ā€

ā€œI will put forth a ton of reads without followup, because I want to see who I can mislynch among these people.ā€

ā€œI might as well shade Kyo and Marshal while Iā€™m at it! Iā€™m not really trying to lynch them, but Iā€™m totally reading them and pointing out what I find scummy. Yeah!ā€


That was the only thing Solic said about Jgoes today prior to his vote on Jgoes. Was he really going in the direction of ā€˜Jgoes scum I want to lynch him?ā€™ I guess I could buy this being a pressure vote, but he has been calling a lot of other people scum. He even had more reasons to call Marshal scum than Jgoes.

This is about Marshal. Later, he says:

So is he townreading Marshal or not? First he finds reasons for Marshal being scummy, then townreads him. The thought process feels a little unnatural. ā€œI find Marshal scummy. Wait, why is the person I find scummy being voted? I have no idea why heā€™s being voted.ā€ <- This doesnā€™t make much sense to me.

Based on Solicā€™s earlier posts, there were like 5 other people he could have reasonably voted. Yet now he says ā€˜Jgoes 90% scum.ā€™ Based on what? Because he didnā€™t answer Solicā€™s question?

He leaves the thread with an outdated readlist and a vote on Jgoes. This is one of the main factors that makes me call him frozen. If heā€™s town, what is he even doing?


Wish you hadnā€™t outed this but itā€™s too late now.
With this and with the information I had already revealed about my class earlier, I am probably imminently dead.

Why would kyo cc

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Thank you, arete.

To get a ML on me and out as Lw

Iā€™ve said this thrice

a 1 for 1 is completely not worth it this early no matter how you slice it

I definitely did TW Luxy.
