[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

This pings me as scummy because as a real Mystic with some abilities not working, wouldn’t you think that there would be some cause to that? If Kyo was Scorned that wouldn’t be a solution for why your abilities are messed up. What is your explanation for that if you think Kyo is Scorned?

Why would marshal as scum provide such a nonchalante and apathetic AtE in his defense?
If anything, scum has more motivation to provide a powerful AtE here than town.

@Arete with the information I have I find it very hard to believe that Priest/Mystic would not spawn in this setup.
Can you recheck the sentence? That’d make a whole omega action useless I believe. Unless it has other effects.

Honestly though it does seem super dumb for scum Kyo to claim Priest for no reason there. He was legitimately universally TR’d, he didn’t need to claim

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That’s for you to figure out. Not me.
I’m not going to answer your read for you. I wouldn’t even consider that a read.

This forum keeps preventing me from speaking. Jesus.

/vote KyoDaz

I don’t necicerily think kyo is social or has social abilities.

He claims preist who conveniently can’t use abilities, and then asks me about my limit trying to provide some evidence to my claim. he could be a weak scum or a vengeful-type scum that is gonna try to get a ML on me and get lynched tommorow.


There is 0 way town!kyo knows my mind-shatter, and the fact that he TMI’s it as omega action is even worse.

he also can’t refute the fact that i claimed post 1.

and my mind-shatter coming about 5 hours after SOD makes me think scum 100% knew my claim. and concocted this plan.

This is exactly my point.
Tell me what scum would sacrifice themselves after being universally townread for the death of a LIMITED MYSTIC?

Fools club is hiring. There are more spots avaliable. A grand total of how many votes I have until I’m hammered.

Yeah that’s really bad

I think there’s one way to figure out if we have a Mystic or a Priest, but there’s two problems. 1. It might backfire if someone lies and 2. I can’t look at the Mystic classcard because of the server overload

Can the Mystic still message people during the night?

Btw, anyone on any wagon can be scum, except for arete.

I think everyone should follow their justicar, as they are 100% town and can’t be scum influencing the wagons.

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Thank fucking god that message sent. It’s really slow and it’s making me want to pull my hair out

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The ‘ancient curse’ was in a blue bold. Like omega actions always are.
Are you trying to imply you ‘forgot’ that?

yeah, i linked luxy and shuri last night.

Kyo “cant use his abilities” but still acts more confirmed than me.
and i claimed post 1(but scum figured it out)

Marshal literally just said that he doesn’t know how I came to the conclusion the ancient curse is an omega action.

Hja come here and tell us why that’s impossible.

I double-checked and my info implies that it’s possible for neither to spawn, but it’s technically still true info even if that’s not possible.


Alright, I don’t know if Shurian’s online, but I hope he can answer a question of mine. Please don’t answer in his place.
What was the conversation between you, Marshal, and Luxy like?


Do you still believe I’m scum?