[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

We did mention and looked into their posts. Specifically about how the 3rd one was satire that felt that Cheeki was relaxed and stuff


sorry if you have already

alright, gimme a second.

I am the Contradiction_Hunter contradictions have been located


do you want full logs or just the reads from there

Vulgards back omgomg


I donā€™t like marshal spreading mis information of ā€œoh yeah no more contextā€ seems realllly scummy

eh you get the logs there too.

Marshal - Mystic
N1- Link luxy + shuri(luxy asked me to, and knows my claim while shuri does not.

Some reads:

Arete, magnus, tele.

Luxy, SDA, Shuri

Btw, my ā€œmind was shatteredā€ like 6 hours into the day, I think that has to do with anticlaim.

It isnt very good, as i did them all on mobile at llike midnight.

@Frostwolf103 want me to summarize the last 60 posts?

Well fine, but I am processing right now.

okay, ill wait

What i gave was, to be honest, biased.
I guess i didnā€™t leave the part where kyo said it was because of something, But i did say that kyo couldnā€™t use his abilities, and that is convenient, and that he somehow knew that I had a limit.

But I think a little bias is to be expected, when itā€™s in a thunderdome.

False information is a bit more than bias

it was not false information.

ā€œTheirs no more contextā€ yeah no, that was just a lie

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