[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

We don’t know the omega actions, do we. Maybe if the other one gets lynched they get some collective bonus, idk.
I don’t want to guess here. I’m just thinking it’s… yeah. Kyo’s attitude doesn’t feel as towny as Marshal’s.

also help coordinate nightplans between town.

I am guessing person getting lynched today is going to flip cleaned that only way this makes sense

Isn’t cleaning also considered flip tampering?


mystic is the one that links people oh yeah a couple thing make way more sense now

@Teleology Would you be ready to build a new towncore after today’s lynch? Regardless if we both live until tomorrow or not (I sure hope you do).

We’re going to need it. Better sooner than later.

LotR flashbacks


For some reason Not

This makes 100% sense to me.

Stop ignoring me

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It’s not?
Did someone ask?

So marshal is like confirmed to be mystic whereas Kyo isn’t assuming shuri isn’t lying

LoTR had clean

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and luxy’s logs.

You do? That’s not assuring

and it said “no flip tampering” in the title,

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Can I know what this means

I understand now oof

Yeah, I just need to see someone flip in order to gain information tbh. I don’t really care who gets lynched because I really can’t tell who is evil, but I can handle it afterward.


okay so this was never counted I get it

That’s the reason I’m not pushing anything too much, but nonetheless I’m just going to go with my intuition