[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

If it was an omega action, why use it D1?

Channel and your passive that lets you talk to the dead are useless N1.

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The blue bold on specific words for omega actions.

Itā€™s a passive, obviously.

Same. If I see the major wagon shift to Marshal, Iā€™ll be very upset

Marsh they can just kill you or use anti claim thing there is no reason to use limited action on you before putting thunder dome

I have already stated itā€™s permenant and doesnā€™t get removed until the person causing it dies.

Oh my lord.


Iā€™m highly inclined to vote you here and now because I have never, ever seen such a thing.

Light blue? Like the one in the Justicar class card?

No. Itā€™s like the one for the King change.

How are you so sure of that?

Thatā€™s FoL 23. Many many games ago. When the passive Religious Ferver didnā€™t exist

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Because it literally says in the message until the ancient presence is gone you cannot use channel or talk to the dead.

Lamist doesnā€™t literally fagging matter in this case, everyone in this site does it and Iā€™m just gonna throw it to the back of the head. I thought you would know as well, frosty wosty.

The acton is mystic-specific i think.

a ā€œmind has been brokenā€ sounds very mystic-specific. I think they found me, used it, and decided to do the thing anyways t

Why are people still voting this thunderdome when there is enough reason to believe it is bad for town

Its the same colour tho >_>

Heā€™s trying to claim that the omega action that is supposedly affecting him is limiting him to using three links and it a conditional and has to be targetted.

Jesus. Get him. Itā€™s obviously fake.

That still makes little sense why not just kill you

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Yes, thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying Marshal slipped by saying that I had TMI for knowing it was omega action while he should have known if he was Mystic as itā€™d be in a blue bold.

Just because you and Luxy is having conversation N1 doesnā€™t make Marshal confirmed, you know why?