[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I just didn’t understand what you meant by the post

Kyo said that Shuri and Luxy did not call out your name in conduit you mentioned if that is true.

Not call out your name

They said my name in conduit, if that’s what you mean


Guys. Serious posting time.
Is everyone in this match trying to make me feel like shit when I accuse them, one way or another?


Marshal didn’t do that. Kyo was… acceptable.

I’m done hiding this. It’s unspeakably annoying and devastating to my WIM. Not only that, but I hate it a lot. Maybe my reads are bad (no maybe actually, they are bad), but getting hit with messages such as “yeah he made me feel like shit what is he doing why is he doing this” or “fuck off you hot piece of garbage” or “yeah fuck that lmao you’re so wrong piss off” every time I accuse someone is getting extremely frustrating.

Why should I bother playing if everyone appears to hate my play no matter what I do?


Wazza is going to explain, hold your horses…

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learn to not have feelings smh


Yeah hold off this post is actually longer than I expected.

Ironically, I’ve been called a hypocrite already… And my reads are probably considered trash since I’m always seen as scum no matter what

I trust you as a Townie in all honesty and hell, Townies can have bad reads. We just need to keep going until the end

The 2nd part of this post is me going on a stretch so bare with me with that.

I’m trying to lynch scum because I’m town. That means I’m going to accuse and dunk on people if I really think they’re scum. If I’m being a piece of shit in the process, I’m sorry, I’m really trying not to. Tell me that, make it transparent.

Being thick-skinned won’t help fix the general attitude in this match.

Anyway, I’m trying to find avenues and do a lot of different stuff, which obviously includes accusing people for one reason or another. It’s normal, it’s a game of mafia. But somehow I’m getting the impression that people hate what I’m doing in this match much more than what others are doing.


Sorry for the hardcore tunneling again but seriously. When you did this it already made me feel bad, but I keep on getting these responses from other people and it just makes me not want to accuse anyone.

If what I do is bad no matter what I do, I should just get nightkilled.
If every single person I accused (except Arete and Marshal in this case) is actually scum who tried to make me feel like shit on purpose, then that makes perfect sense. But if most of you, or all of you, are town - then it’s infuriating because our alignment is the same. There are many more town members alive than Syndicate members. I reasonably shouldn’t be getting crap thrown at me from every direction unless I’m accusing scum or people are really mad at me for some reason.

I don’t know, maybe my earlier attitude (or even current attitude) was just that infuriating. Maybe I’m just playing really poorly. But this stuff really murders my will to play.

So, can you not?


People shouldn’t be throwing shit and insults at eachother regardless of alignment. We /inned because we enjoy playing and we want to have fun. The minute insults start getting slung it’s no longer fun for both the insulter and insultee. If you’re pissed off at someone tell them, dont just yell at them.

That was rants with sulit tm

Back on topic.
One scummy thing (in my opinion) which could be coincidental doesn’t make Wazza auto-scum, it’s just something I would like to bring up.

I still think Kyo lynch > > > Marshal lynch right now. I don’t have any idea why scum is making this play, if they really are making this play. We won’t know until we flip someone with the appropriate Omega Action.

Right now it’s just guesswork. We have to flip one of them, preferably the scum. Marshal has been townier in my eyes. I can buy into his feelings of desperation, how he keeps finding reasons why Kyo is scummier than he is and trying to mislynch him. Meanwhile Kyo felt a huge amount of confidence throughout the push and has only recently begun to appeal to emotion because it wasn’t working out like he expected.

When I compare the two motivations, I think I buy into Marshal’s town motivation more strongly than Kyo’s. Sorry I can’t bring you beloved evidence again, I’m just really not good at it. But still - I believe Marshal has just been townier all-in-all throughout this thunderdome. I took another look at it today and that’s the conclusion I’m reaching. I will always vote Kyo over Marshal in the current situation.

/vote KyoDaz

Might as well. I think I unvoted before.

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Back on topic!


That’s why you’re towncore.

I honestly want this day to end already, but these are personal feelings and shouldn’t overshadow the needs of the town.

If anyone has questions, hit me up. Not sure what I should be analyzing right now, I just want someone to flip. It’s a massive chore to analyze these wagons as it is, which means I will probably skip that. It’s like 3k posts with a lot of relevant context.

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I would like us to use the full time for IRL reasons

help this post is too big for my brain to want to right but my heart really feels like we shouldn’t fuck up with this.

I have a feeling we’ve got a lot of fluff posts in this match with little content, because it doesn’t feel like we got anywhere important within the most recent 4k posts. We were just quarreling over both wagons and slowly shifting the lynch to Kyo, that’s it.

I didn’t really see that on MU (I occasionally read some games there). But that’s not a relevant topic, so I’ll shut up.