[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

What? We have already stated that if you get cleaned I’m being hung.
That isn’t going to happen however. Even then I’m channeling Luxy provided I am able to.

Your whole theory is based on the assumption that they have an ability that benefits from a 1 for 1.

That was in LoTR


I guess I shouldn’t make preflip associations, but our PoE is vastly different based on what we believe now… except J is in both of ours

or lynch kyo. because whatever abilities he has, they probably don’t benefit him if he is lynched.
i didn’t start this. he started it with a clear and made out purpose that obviously has something more sinister. s

I’m not sure whether I should ask you now about why your PoE looks like it does, or if I should leave it for D3.

I’m kinda scared one of us is going to die and I will never be able to get that info or do anything with it while I’m alive.

Heck, are you still saying that ‘Only Priest/Mystic can spawn and will not spawn Mystic/Priest’ passive rule going on, what if this is not there and is just totally messing with you like hidden mechanic that is VERY bad for town?

Maybe the apocalypse thing have different mean to mark us like in Abyss game?

If I was scum why wouldn’t I just kill you in the night to supposedly get that effect?
Or is there a tinfoil of ‘it only works in lynches’

Puts on a nice shiny foil hat

Ahhhem. I believe Geyde has been silenced by unspeakable EVILS.

Someone should look at his last couple posts

Or I’m delusional and Geyde hates all of us

That makes sense considering there is an omega action called submission.

Geyde was replaced by jake

I have a sinking feeling it’s my fault he isn’t playing and I would like to profusely apologize if that’s the case.

Idk, just different pings I guess. Or maybe I am terribly wrong this entire match, but shit is about to go down after this flip

oh it is a tinfoil.

but from my POV, its what i have to go off of. y

What the FUCK oh

I am sure he is busy and didn’t realize that this is still in maintenance

Oh. I didn’t even realise Geyde was replaced. Welp.

Totally knew that pfffpfpf

Wait what the fuck? Wasn’t Jake playing the game originally? How did he replace?

What are you talking about? Geyde and Jake are both in this match. Neither of them has replaced the other.

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