[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I changed it after interacting with them further D2.

Nobody tells me what to do!

And besides, I TRā€™d Cheeki iirc after that little bout in D2. I got a S/S from someone, and nah it stays with me

This is an annoyance.
You werenā€™t fully confirmed (Luxy couldā€™ve claimed in private and that was a concern) and neither was I (People suggested me being Multi-Bleed scum)

So I was about to deal with both last night but nooo, of course not :expressionless:

How would I confirm myself LOL

Iā€™ve already told you that I do think the post was scummy overall, but itā€™s just one post.
I guess the mindset of scum!Solic would be ā€˜Iā€™ll give them a false narrative to follow since I know exactly what our team is like and they donā€™tā€™ but that doesnā€™t seem to make much sense. The Justiciar would be able to disprove most of what he has said later down the line.

I understand that he could easily be leveling and hoping we would make this assumption later, but this is Solic. I canā€™t picture him leveling considering his playstyle. He doesnā€™t do that, I think. Besides, this feels like a master plan.

So basically I think that Solic either made a blatantly scummy post or heā€™s town with a blatantly scummy post. Again, I need to re-read everything he has said throughout the game for everything to make sense, and I will.

You wouldā€™ve died and flipped. Hunters Mark ftw


Read up on Hunter.
Itā€™s me the good olā€™ shootey boi with my companions.

My towncore is officially forbidden from murdering each other.

Butā€¦ I wouldā€™ve been confirmed and dealt with the potential Shuri problem
I even made a deathnote for it.
Not sure if I can post it.
If I can itā€™ll help prove what I did.

I have potential

I think he saw that there is no conversion and took it as granted and made opening with jokey post about previous game


No, hold your horse. Youā€™re not killing Shurian, sorry.
However, you can kill Italy tonight, I guarantee it.
Hint hint.

Iā€™ll need to know who Italy is visiting. But I think I get it.
Oh wait, I just looked where I thought it might be and that doesnā€™t guarantee who theyā€™ll visitā€¦ So erk

Donā€™t worry about it.
Anyway. Would you mind giving some insights about the game? I want to know where you stand.
Sulit is scumreading you, by the way. You are legally obligated to OMGUS her. Not.


I saw it, didnā€™t think it was noteworthy enough to comment on straight away.
Putting a mild suspicion and trying to push onto things to do with me is beyond easy here.

Iā€™m not saw fully how to feel about it but Iā€¦ dislike that post from a tonal perspective.
Itā€™s trying to draw things to me and get people to rally behind them.

Especially since they use a leading question ā€œIsnā€™t it weirdā€ being a phrase used to get people to normally agree with someone and if police used it during an interview for example, it would completely be held against them in later stages due to this. Itā€™s psychological manipulationā€¦ but only basic.


Scribbles on notepad

Sulit vs PKR is lvl 5 Crook vs lvl 70 Boss.

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