[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Implied yes.

He also then backed it up by saying his wincon wasnā€™t updated.

@Emilia was your wincon updated?
if so, we know for a fact that he is scum.

I donā€™t think I am allowed to talk about that

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I mean itā€™s a slightly angleshooty reason.

But i mean he used it as a defence. IT doesnā€™t matter. we can drop it and just look at everything else

I am asking


And you are starting king which means Magnus does not have it, he tries to show that he got 0 uses.

Technically correct but heā€™s flat on thin ice.

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Mechanically speaking, Magnus have occupying powers since he claimed butler.

We might even turn anti-claim mechanic against him.

Meaning he can be stopped.

How do you feel about wazza?

You do not hear it from me, but he already answered, itā€™s up to him to reply back

I mean, I thought it was pretty clear in my post beforeā€¦

I think we should lynch Wazza, Derps, and Magnus in that order.

The votes are still pretty low for Wazza, right? Should we get this train rolling?

/vote WazzaAzaa

Itā€™s L-2

It would have been better if you said

"i want to ride this train :smirk: "


Votecount based who voted?

I think we should keep wagons completely isolated and no side lynches then. Also everyone on a townā€™s wagon needs to claim classtype as scum knows it.

@Shurian Why didnā€™t you Wisp?


Oh my god I canā€™t believe that still worked. XD I think Magnus would also not know that there isnā€™t conversion unless they have TMI. Town Magnus I could see glossing over Areteā€™s posts in this volume. In addition, kings get separated from other scum, so noone could warn them about how to respond to this.

Derpclear. Nice.

ā€œBeCAuSE THeRe Is ONe ScUM LeFTā€ speaking of which this wagon went way too fast. Itā€™s cover for Derps/Magnus Iā€™m feeling. Also kinda funny that I was actually convinced there was conversion. I asked if I would get Swear Fealty when I made a bid for King.

In what world is that a blatantly scummy post?

As disorganized as bleeding the Prince. :thinking:

Youā€™re thinking wrong. Heal me if I wasnā€™t healed already! Speaking of which we have an insane amount of healer claims.

LOL, name a more iconic duo.

Waiting on Alice to confirm this.

Going to call this unlikely if they can literally throne themselvesā€¦

NOOOO AAAHHH. It was my reaction test that found Magnus. :eyes: I better get healed.

Okay caught up on posts, going through some ISOs now.


I think we let solic die to bleed to lower POE, but derps saying that makes me think that we dont.

iā€™m conflicted

Alsoā€¦some dead called me a she, I need safe space.