[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

@Italy have you claimed or something?


he claimed CW. I would like him to use his thing on me so I canā€™t be occed again (I think thats how CW works? never had the fourm version so not sure

Welpā€¦ With Italy claiming CW it makes things hard.

Youā€™ll have to figure it out.

It wonā€™t be that hard.

Italy claimed Cw who barriered me(which does nothing to a mystic) but was seen visiting tele by blizer.

Basically caught scum.

Youā€™ll figure out what to do.

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Donā€™t have such poor sight to not see literally every other possible path.

@Marshal youā€™re the mystic right?
Can you just link me tonight?
Yā€™knowā€¦ make my life easy.

Youā€™ll see.

A player who completely focuses on mechanics just happens to fuck up their action completely lul sure.

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The lack of posts in my absence concerns me. Going to read up after dinner.

Not completely focus, thank you.
And yes, Iā€™m human, I mess up.

Amazing observation, sherlock.

Alrighty, so then iā€™m empower/warding derp? I canā€™t be bothered to plot out my own night actions.

That was directed at Italy.

Use barrier on derps

Ah fine.
It literally couldā€™ve been @ me since Iā€™d messed up before.

FYI, in terms of frame/warp, the followed will appear to visit a random dead player. Just remember that. also blizer could be scum

And I think we should stick blizer on you to make sure you keep your word.

I thought you said barrier was useless :eyes:

Youā€™re useless, but youā€™re still here

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