[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

So what you’re saying is that ToL is imba
Who knew

Still fun tho

It’s not exactly 3V13 being that in FoL It’s post-conversion 3 Cultseen+1 NK+1 Potential EK vs BD with a neut thrown in somewhere.

Only fun for scum :^)

up to three neuts

Isn’t it 2 in FoL?

BD can feasibly lose maj on d2

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1-2 and nk but u already mentioned hat in the post

1-2 for FoL
2-3 for ToL

Oh shit
No fucking wonder

ToL has an average of 2 KPN, and starts with 2 cultseen. There is also a neutral killer that also kills every night, but is not allied with cultseen.
Consider the Elder old sorcerer. They win with evils, but don’t get into a scumchat with them, nor do the evils know who they are. While unlike the sorcerer, they do win while dead, they pack a heavy punch that can quickly annihilate the BD.
Everyone else is a massive wall we will consider Cultseen for this game. They have a dayvig, 3 kills per night on average, and win with the “Neutral Killer.” They cannot convert, but this also means their ‘Godfather’ in play gets to spend more time thinking about who to murder, and also murdering people in general. They can also alter the game as they wish, creating massive penalties that could cause the entirety of the BD to collapse in mere days. Like I said, the only way to win would be to take out the dayvig strongman, and then the elder who reshapes the game, D2 and D3 respectively.

So my reads on D1
Was actually all correct?

In other words, syndicate was a big unstoppable train heading straight for a wall made of planks, with rails to make sure they don’t fly off afterwards.

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Elder is actually very weak


there were also like tks who could have bled or killed them but they didnt

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I think if Marshall didn’t link me with Luxy and with all that shenanigans I would have went death tunneling Marshall the next day tbh

We could have saved Tele. Also maybe luxy if alice was nice and luxy didn’t actually soft :eyes:

dayvig would mean only 1, non-strongman kill a night.

This setup was scumsided, but you are overblowing things

luxy never softed.

he just really wanted to be linked to me, which was obvious

ok i have a wild idea that you could all try