[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Also PSA for town.

When the prince is strongman killed bypassing multiple protectives and their own jail and you could not find a single soft from them, maybe make the connection that the Prince may have been onto something and LOOK AT THEIR READS.

Iā€™m going to hardclaim D1 in Danganronpa

Iā€™m also going to run for student president

Yeah AtEs
So many people actually went to AtE town
I justā€¦ couldnt differentiate the fake from the real

do i even need to?

Fr tho this game wouldā€™ve been cracked open if I was allowed a day 1 lynch grrr


Luxy kept town from spiraling into tangents
Those tangents caused Kyo to lose thunderdome, among other things

Scum had figured out you were Prince, if Iā€™m reading their chat correctly.

Meh I donā€™t think we lost after N1, we definitely lost after N2

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I sit and wait, patiently, until itā€™s my time to step in and do something. I make sure what I do has the possibility to impact the outcome of the game, or at least shoot down a scum member. Wait for people to die, your list narrows. Read carefully inbetween the lines without ever telling people youā€™re reading them, so they canā€™t try to change their tune to a way that you prefer.

Lost when Kyo was lynched really

My lynch was the nail in the coffin.


I kill plenty of people by just asking them a question, and seeing what lines up.

he had a big role
he openly admitted that he was comprehensively unflappable in his reads
Nothing non-mechanical could have changed them. Nothing. Not to mention he was powering through the game singlehandedly and never really gave anyone else a chance to contribute effectively
He declared some people as secured towncore. That was just bad.

Also Geyde semi-pocketed me by asking for my opinions on a couple of things so that was really well played from him

All three town PRs died early

They pocketed me so hard

No one SRā€™d me D:

I was hoping to find a loophole and save arete, but alice said that Icy Ward was a protective ability.

Shouldā€™ve stayed on my side reee

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