[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I never knew Mountainous was Mountainous. That’s some god damn god-tier info right there.

10 Named Townies
3 Named Goons

Also the names are their username

Arete, do you think the setup was too scum-sided?

wish we could go back to the good ole days where we firebombed third world countries and killed the gays


10 Town Vanilla Cops
3 Scum Vanilla Cops

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oh fuck this got dark fast

Those good old days

It was pretty scumsided but I also played badly

Adiart had bigger numbers, but in terms of percentage, town’s majority was smaller than the average Throne game. Also, we were much more uninformed, to the point of which our two key roles can’t even out theirselves, including the unique FACTION INVESTIGATOR

mines fine as it is.

Also why you talking bout my ass. This isn’t the first time you mentioned it. IM SCARED

i hope this doesn’t require a /s

Scum desperado
Add it to your setups

my speciality

Your post has been submitted for federal review, thank you for your time.

i’m already on several watchlists

Bold to assume we can’t put you on more.

Im his FBI agent dont tell him

Blacks belong in the closet, women belong in the plantation, and gays belong in the kitchen. CMV.

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Don’t compromise the operation!

i’m cackling stop

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