[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I think this was a good setup (except of being scumsided as hell)
It just was 100% not what I expected, and I’m 100% happy that I replaced out because of it before I lost more nerves to this.

There isn’t one
At least it wasn’t posted iirc

Also, can someone review my game for me if they have a chance? I tried to post less, but with more content in each post. I didn’t post less because I was scum. Was this effective and did you find it easy to ISO me because of it?

I agree. I don’t believe it should have ever been put into this community, however.
People just don’t have good enough townplay here.

I’m kind of jealous you replaced out when you did. I feel as though I have gained nothing, but at least other people did.

But I love how strongly the Evils thought that I’m Prince/Justiciar, that was epic ^^

I thought you were the Neutral Killer, haha.
I faked some townreads on you because of that.

The ability that killed you wasn’t based around claiming.

I just hope noone thinks that I strategically placed out, I really didn’t want to break any rules :eyes:

Of course not. It was obvious you just had an extreme dislike to the setup.

It doesn’t add up kpn :man_shrugging:

This was D1.

Like I said, it doesn’t add up because I expect more than 1 kill

fair, apologies. i didn’t fight as hard as i could have

i’m sorry for blaming vulgard. In all honesty the loss was more my fault than his.
an amalgamation of things culminating in the conclusion of this game has led me to feel indescribably awful and say some things I shouldn’t have.
Sorry if I offended anyone, especially vulgard.

Play this setup when:

  1. You love to play against the odds
  2. You love incredible unfair abilities
  3. You love when your own mechanics are not reliable (like: Prince jails himself and gets strongmanned, wtf)
  4. You love fighting against the bias of a host who wants to teach you that you are shit
  5. You’re okay with getting punished for certain playstyles without this being obvious in advance to the players

PS: No, I don’t want to attack you, host, I can only imagine how much heartblood you used in this setup. I just don’t like the setup.

I blame you both :heart:
Nah for real, shit happens. I’m just glad that you both realized that it wasn’t intentional on neither side.

I knew it was never intentional

If you guys want to blame anyone for the Kyo mislynch it should be me. :eyes:

just felt trapped

You have no idea how shit I felt after replacing out and realizing that I screwed you totally over with that.