[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Are you trying to annoy me on purpose is this apart of your meta or what?

If you bothered to read my Isos I even gave my Opinion on priestess.

Somewhat yes part of me feels like this is centuries trying to get a read out of me or just to annoy me.

The only thing youā€™ve done before this discussion was basically say LHF doesnā€™t mean town and that you Null Priestess because Priestess is hard to read, what do you want me to say but ā€œyeah sure but this isnt enough and itā€™s barely even contributingā€

I gave my Opinion on LHF arguments but you canā€™t read apparently

weak point: canā€™t read

Dude you missed the whole point of the argument. Youā€™re making it sound less then it was.

what have you contributed other then trying to aggravate me

Why do you want people to force out sheep reads on people that donā€™t help anyway?

strawman i just want you to actually contribute

I want you to contribute too

How does this help us in the long run? Like how does it help us solve the game

Iā€™ll contribute when I want to, so too bad for you :slight_smile:

But you can read me based on that or whatever.

This is a convo that can be had after the game imo

Iā€™ll just repeat what others say and be a yes man because that counts as contribution

he either fits his scum meta or he improves and actually does stuff its 100% benefit for us

Youā€™re not gonna change anything though

Well if he doesnā€™t want to improve itā€™s his fault and nothing will justify his bad play

Nah Iā€™m not going to contribute unless I want to how about that my love.

Yeah yeah <3

Iā€™m so bad because I donā€™t want to be like everyone else and force out fake reads day 1 oh nose Iā€™m not going to sheep.

You just donā€™t understand mafia do you