[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

/Vote Priestess

Thereā€™s a version that doesnā€™t have to be executed?

FoL Fool.

Iā€™ve fake claimed Scorned as almost every class already. Most times to make me less suspicious. Worked pretty well out.

Mfw when I never even realised Neutrals were different here.

Bro fake claiming fool as prince is big brained

A lot of classes are diff

How did that go

Yeah, I know, I just hadnā€™t bothered to check the Neutrals yet.

Itā€™s actually a good strat

> be Arete
> D1: Scout Priestess
> N1: Investigate Priestess
> Priestess [16] is a member of the Unseen! Priestess [16] was visited by the Unseen last night!ā€™
> Also an Assassin dies overnight
> hmmmm
> Out this, say sheā€™s probably Fool
> She confirms and TBs to prove
> Priestess gets bled and dies
> Priestess [16] was a Prince.



No hm

Or insta gladiate

How did she TB as Prince?


Wait who did she trollbox as prince


There was a Scorned who framed her and decided to play along. Itā€™s also how I found her Unseen N1.


In one of my best ToL matches I was Princeā€¦
I had an Inquisitor in jail n2 that he found his assassin heathen n1, I promised him to help him, and he told me who the Assassin is.
I fake claimed an Obs peek on the Assassin (well, it wasnā€™t a ā€œfake checkā€, since I just gave the information which I got from my Inquisitor)
Noble came out, said he gossiped my target and didnā€™t see me. We exed him regardless.
I fake claim Scorned who had disguised this Assassin
I work together with the Inquisitor to get the Unseen killed
After King pushed on me several times, I finally outted myself as Princeā€¦ which led to one of the strangest trials I ever had. The GK tried to exe me, but the Unseen pardoned me and saved my life.


I think Priestess has Fancy Play Syndrome.


Iā€™ve played 3000 matchesā€¦ itā€™s hard to not try rare strats, with that amount of experience. If you always play normal strats, itā€™s getting boring after a while. And often enough these strats do work outā€¦