[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

It’s so strange that Solic wants protection this game before even proving himself as town socially… if he isn’t an important role he is likely evil

and I know that I am not

In my classcard my dude.

How about not speculating who our most likely king will guard, bud

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I’m not on about this game, it’s a completely different game, I replaced in for Frost.

You could’ve still fakeclaimed something else

I’m important, because I’m me.

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are you self resolving

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Are you just tired of dying n1?

How about responding to my questions, “buddy”

Wazza you betrayed me, it’s k tho I was memeing cuz of the game you replaced in

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Computer, analyze this…

Computer, render that further…
Zeroing in on subject…

Computer, what is you analysis?

Analysis: Bear: to give birth to (a child).
“she bore six daughters”

Subject class must be Chronomancer


*Ozzkozz smacks computer

Analysis: Subject must be Cult Leader

K, nevermind.


Point me to them.

And don’t “buddy” me

I don’t agree with Magnus/Maxwell conclusions

Namely townleaning him for a random vote and a logical mechanical suggestion, both of which are very easily pulled off by scum
The logic for doing so is very weak

Maxwell is more than capable of doing something as scum
In fact, his paranoia could easily be due to the playerlist

The premise for townleaning him (even if light), reaches into the realm of being entirely illogical


Why did you ISO the people you did?

While having near perfect scumreads.

Not again. I will beg in every post if I have to.

/intimidate Derps

Stop being DUMB

Low posters, top down list. Combination of that.

I relate to solics extreme frustration

That makes so much sense

My b