[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Priestess is in her scum meta in at least two different ways, maybe more.

Post is entirely formulated
You really think that he slips on such a gigantic detail

Thoughts on PKR v. Luxy?

Yes, the fact that heā€™s assuming that it works the opposite way it would normally work in an SFoL, and assumes that for no reason, is really setting off my scumdar.

(obvious exception is obvious but I have a kind of angleshooty reason why I donā€™t think that applies, which Iā€™m not explaining because I donā€™t want to angleshoot)

I really need to see the analysis of why Luxy is off from Pkr to have an idea of Pkrā€™s side.
I am confident that Luxy is town based off of what theyā€™ve posted so far. He has conviction in his pushes in a way that he just canā€™t pull off as scum.

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My personal take on the initial debacle regarding the bleed is that it devolved too quickly into accusations for thread direction at that point to not be predominantly controlled by town
Itā€™s like how people reacted in SFoL 49 when FK gladiated themselves. Thread went wild and the wildest were town.

A bit different of an example but I think it still holds here

PKR and I have mindmelded quite a bit with that so his point of view comes from town or heā€™s trying to pocket me but I donā€™t think he would claim Hunter as scum

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To elaborate on this:
-Sheā€™s doing a specific buddying/whiteknighting thing where she intentionally draws associations with a townie to make them look suspicious (sheā€™s done that in previous scumgames, and discussed the fact that sheā€™s done that)
-Sheā€™s also doing a specific pocket-y thing with likes, or was earlier; I compared her meta from previous games and as far as I can tell itā€™s a weirdly accurate scumtell for her (you can compare her use of likes in FoL 22 and EFoL 3 to see this pretty easily)
-Sheā€™s misunderstanding things to a far greater degree than is plausible for her to do by accident (I explained this one earlier)

Iā€™m not scumreading her because of the OMGUSing or for claiming scum, because both of those are NAIish for her.

There were a couple of posts that pinged me earlier as trying to get the Prince/Justiciar to slip up and out themself but those are unfortunately also NAI.

I donā€™t really believe in the ā€˜mindmeldsā€™
Theyā€™re complete BS if you have to ask me.

Can you explain who she is pocketing/whiteknighting?

These stood out to me as particularly telling of my point
Strongest TR based off this interaction is Kyo

She was doing it to me earlier before she started scumreading me.

I do :woman_shrugging:

Ozzkozz stands out as particularly weird
Heā€™s not all there during the explosion in thread

By saying that you were her scum mate or whatever? Pretty sure that was just to make her suspicious to avoid attackers off her

I canā€™t be the only one who sees Ozz being on the sidelines when thread blows up as a blatant scumtell

I do believe in thinking the same thing does mean a common occurance is in play; however I do not believe itā€™s primarily alignment-based.
It may be class-type based or other things.

Guys sulit is liking my posts but hasnā€™t posted anything himself

Yeah he is weird. His behavior doesnā€™t really fit into his town or scum meta

Ah that makes sense actually. Iā€™ll keep an eye on you then lmao