[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed


Are you fake claiming?

Why do Italyā€™s posts feel like they should be in scum chat?

If you get jailed by prince, you want them to trust you. You wonā€™t care what the player is until they out.

ā€œIf you can be converted, you are my enemy.ā€

Everyone here is my enemy.

I would beg to differ, but thatā€™s actually true to an extent.

Also, you fake claim Maid as Invoker. We all know thatā€™s the best strategy.

Hey Marshal I want you to visit me tonight

and why is that?

I ask again, bd killers shank Italy

Hey protectives I want you to visit me tonight

I feel like iā€™m just needing to repeat myself now. The chances of there being an evil that perfectly replicates CW are basically nothing.

I cannot disclose this information

Less bleating more action

I like this one.

On second thought
More bleating and more action

Bleating gives information
Like I am rn.

Youā€™re acting like youā€™re confirmed already

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dont go into ā€œTheReS No WaY EvIl CaN Do ThIs aCtIoN!!!ā€

I did that last game. Everyone bought it.

I was scumn

Italy did soft a lot.
Pretty sure claim vigs gonna come after them

Being jailed is prevention. Empower stops it. In due time, you will learn.


and reads donā€™t seem great for you right now

Because italy decides to speak their mind for once, they are lockscum. And thatā€™s just how it works, apparently.