[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Irrelevant mechanical sidenote: The trick to use CWs to let a jailed person act requires two CWs, Italy. Also, your Arcane Empower only works on your night target, so you can’t AE PKR and Ward/Barrier Solic, like you’d suggested.

Hold on wha-

This is what i get for skimming class cards.

we aren’t “starting wagons”

some people pushed you for what seemed like a slip.

and you claimed, seeming to think that takes any pressure off of you.

Hja – Null (perhaps very slight townlean)
Geyde – good but not great townlean
Marshal – I’ve read so little from him that it is not fair to assess atm.
Apologies for the wait. Just finished a band event.

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I knew it’d put me in claimvig’s path. That’s the point. Can’t kill me if i’m already fucking DEAD.

You’re welcome, i’m saving you time.

im off ree

That claimvig is gonna get Italy for being rainbow dash.

I wonder who’s gonna stab Italy

Lets go back to the point.

This is true to an extent.
In many games, if Prince doesn’t trust healer, healer dies.
Healer dies and Prince cucked. That I understand. Too many games lost due to trust issues. (From the stronger role)

But note that trust comes from communication. You’re doing it, and the more you talk the more information we can learn.
If you’re trusted amongst the players, chances are the high power roles are in there as well. You shouldn’t dismiss someone just because “i dont kno them so I duncare”. It’s easy to make high powers just straight up have a bias against you lol

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I think it’s safe to assume that the claimvig (if that even is the anti-claim mechanism) isn’t going to shoot people they’d rather have alive, i.e. the ‘intrinsically scummy people all do a massclaim and die’ strategy is unlikely to work.

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Honestly Soulshade55r
I didn’t bother reading at all.
For… reasons that I dont want to say.

Thank you.

It not working doesn’t mean we can’t try.

Actually think Soul may be town because of his stubborness and the fact his arguments actually make sense

Isnt that why we’re just making them out to be s-

Oops. Said too much

hey so @Solic maybe we could get prince to jail someone so i can empower you and confirm that you went through jail

That mindset shouldn’t come from town…