[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

/vote obama


please register this vote

Still speaking I donā€™t like Luxy and Marshal. But thatā€™s gonna change to gut reads instead of actual filler content.

Back to the drawing board.

if i canā€™t vote obama in this fictional game, then what is it all about?!

If my rights are srupessed, i will not vote in protest

Filthy Protestant. Begone Heathen

Sulitā€™s entirely relaxed in thread even when doing questionable shit.
Scum doing that is lul

Actually power role and smashes people

Could you elaborate on this

I never said not to heal Wazza
Can you not build cases where Iā€™m scum if youā€™re not going to read for context

On the following post or?

I was referring to Arete not to you, but just in general itā€™s something Iā€™d expect scum to do

Kinda both

I am not too familiar with Sulitā€™s meta in all honesty but I agree that he appears to be relaxed and self assured

Post was phrased in a way that kinda led to that, but that does make sense

What made you change your mind on my slot then

Paint your Mafia Mafia is why Iā€™m confident in reading them based off that
Iā€™ll link it if you want

In general I am the type of person to be overly paranoid and I always feel like someone is scum just because I donā€™t read them as scum and the narrative fits. Thatā€™s how I feel with you. On an individual level I was TRing you, but based on associations with Arete and Marshal I felt like I was in scum theatre for a bit. But also youā€™re a good player so I will probably always have my doubts about you. In that situation I just liked the way Luxy was acting better than I liked the way you were acting. Although you can both be town, my brain wants to assume that there are people leading the thread as scum right now and that it is more likely active players are scum than players who havenā€™t posted much at all just because itā€™s harder that way and if the scum are afk then they will probably be sorted out eventually but Iā€™m not sure tbh.



They were scum this game

He did a few wallposts in that one. Doesnā€™t seem like he is try harding in this game so heā€™s probably town based off of that. Like heā€™s not trying to impress anyone with what he says

That was where I was thinking basically

~1 hour left until EoD

I will openly refuse any and all night plans