[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

of course i have no idea if there was a claimvig if it would be limited to a certain phase or not.
I was referencing Kai as an example as that was my first experience playing in a game with a claimvig, ever

Ecks Dee

He initially claimed that you had TMI for knowing that the claimvig was a dayvig, then tried to claim that actually you had TMI that it was a nightvig but were faking it was a dayvig to throw us off the trail.

But like, he also scumslipped, so.

In before ā€œI am Errorā€ bullshit appears at Lynch hammer.

Thats not How it works

I did not scumslip.
I did a lie so I could reaction test and bluff against scum ffs

I see that youā€™re claiming Godfather :thinking:

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How can I prove it?
We need Justicar to be able to prove mechanics.

Justicar, if this exists please can you confirm either there is a hunter in the game or scum cannot bleed? Either would work.

I dont understand Whats the point of thst bluff

Godfatherā€¦ who can bleed?
And shows up Killing/Offensive?
Yeah, no.

What reactions were you hoping to gain?

To make them more likely to attack me and die due to it

We dont give people towncred for having ability in setup We dont know What abilities scum have

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that was the most convoluted reaction test I have ever seen, if it actually is one.

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Thats not a reaction test


^I canā€™t like this post but imagine that I did

Scum feeling secure.
Proves they skimread. Plus lets them die to my bears.

Who are your scummates, PKR?

Yeah. I shouldnā€™t have done it but we all make mistakes.
I just hope Justicar can save me here.