[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

When do you plan to share them

When I am sure there is evidence that needs contradicting. Sure several people sees me as null but there is no reason to say that I didn’t say ‘a line’ that isn’t memorable for them, read it again I’d say.

That is just pretending to be contributing have a read on me.

Again, something bothers from the people who have me on null that has more to say than just ‘null’.

I mean if you’re bothered by being read as null I have good news for you :upside_down_face:

Could you share those it would be easier to read you and it would be more probable that your scumreads would be lynched

Ones putting no effort to read me.

Why are you so scared of giving reads? Are you worried about outing your buddies by association?

Sure thing, cant you just let me ISO in a bit where I feel something is off instead of assuming I am forced to do town play?

I read your abyss a little you did make reads there day 1

My break is gone so back to work.

And there is nothing wrong with that.

but you arent doing them here

Holy shit, that means this game is bastard indeed.

Looking back
I did lots of lvl -1 things didnt I

Thats not bastard tho

Forgive me.

There is no forgivness for you

What are the odds that Magnus is one of thrm?

Wait @anon97870008 Why do you think Omegas cant be Used d1

I’d like to note that I was under the assumption that Luxy was softing Observer and not Prince. I think PKR is genuine and he’s still town, especially considering that Arete jumped on it like that.

Here are my reads from last night:

  1. Magnus — If Arete is scum Magnus is town (Arete said Magnus was scum both times when asked)
  2. Frostwolf103
  3. KyoDaz — town lean / isn’t sheeping, mindmelds with me a lot
  4. Italy — town lean — CW — / blatantly not in his scum meta
  5. WazzaAzza — town lean — chrono
  6. Ozzkozz — null (neut?) / different entrance, either neut or I can’t read him yet
  7. Luxy [Bled D1] — Town lean
  8. Jakethewolfie — town lean / in his town meta
  9. Cheeki
  10. Jgoesgaming — slight scum / contributions look bad / If Arete is scum J is scum (Distancing)
  11. Sulit — town lean
  12. Solic — slight town by association
  13. H_Hja — town lean / in her town meta
  14. Maxwell — slight scum / I feel like he hasn’t contributed as much as he should and I know he’s a good player
  15. Priestess — Butler — null / Independently I am TRing her, but I believe that it might be possible she is scum with Arete. I would like to analyze her slot again after we see what Arete flips.
  16. SirDerpsAlot — slight town / lazy town, posts aren’t as deliberate as I would expect them to be if he were scum
  17. Marshal — slight town / found that there is no conversion based on class
  18. Arete — scum lean / asking a lot of questions without providing much substance of their own, SRing Priestess despite how they should know her meta and be protecting her (Arete admitted to me that they would have defended me in LOTRFM had they been town)
  19. Soulshade55er — slight town / actually posted D1, I liked the beginning posts
  20. Shurian — town lean / very pure and genuine, tries to get people involved
  21. Teleology — Me
  22. PoisonedSquid
  23. PokemonKidRyan — slight town — Hunter or “Club” Leader / softed a bleed on Luxy D1
  24. Centuries — town lean / acts the same as the town game I played with him. Goes aggro on people to get reads from them.
  25. Geyde — slight scum / association, and gut intuition that scum are leading the court, not scummy on an individual level.

In general, I don’t believe my “town leans” are wrong, but my “slight town” reads could be mistaken admittedly

Towncore: Centuries, Shurian, Hja, Sulit, Italy, Wazza, Jake, Luxy, Kyo

Potential Scum to look into (I have cleared most others): Ozz, Max, Magnus, Frost, Cheeki, J, Priestess, Arete, Squid, Geyde

“~~” = probably not scum based on predictions of who scum are in the provided PoE

“**” = I can see these people being on the same scum team

During N1 I was looking back at Arete’s ISOs from LOTRFM. Arete told me that they didn’t like the fact that I was making associative reads. Reading their ISO from that game, it’s honestly the funniest thing because I can actually see how we are acting similarly. However also in that game I noticed that Arete jumps their reads without much reasoning and it reminds me of what they did with Priestess but to the opposite effect. In LOTRFM Arete was TRing Astand and then switched their position to SRing Astand purely out of convenience. I would also like to mention that Arete is TRing Shurian for having a logical flow to their reads even though Shurian and I have been mindmelding a lot and have very similar reads… I just looked at some of the posts from Arete’s town game in SFoL52 and their tone as town is COMPLETELY different from their tone as scum. As town they are much more kind, patient, and calm. I do NOT see them acting in this manner this game. I will concede that Arete doesn’t actually make reads off of association as town, which would be a good sign, but just because you’re scum doesn’t mean you can’t say things that do make sense. Basically they are acting way too aggressive, throwing way too much shade, and not providing enough reason to be town tbh.

Something to note about Marshal: his original wishy washy read on me that consisted of “Tele is either in her town meta or she is scum emulating her town meta” is something I honestly overlooked and seems super scummy in retrospect. It’s essentially making the realization that I am in my town meta but then back tracking because he doesn’t want me to be read as town. HOWEVER, it does not make any sense for scum to bleed me if that was his intent and he is scum. But also, just because Marshal is hinting at a class doesn’t mean he is that class — he does this as town and as scum. When he was Acolyte he was hinting at being Prince so that he could play Hunter — he is a MegaMind so don’t be fooled. Though actually I am not scum reading him as much anymore because of the fact that it is impossible for him to have had malicious intent unless scum just aren’t very cohesive.

I examined J a bit during the night, but there wasn’t much to go off of in all honesty. I did compare his ISOs across games, and his tone in this game did appear to be the same as the tone in his game as Noble that I played with him… but he is significantly less active and helpful than I would expect him to be, and I wouldn’t expect his tone or read style to be the exact same from when he was new to FM to now, like, I expected some progress. In general I just can’t really determine if he’s scum or not because there’s not enough content to base it off of, but he is suspect imo.

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