[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

If a person just pops up after justiciar sends a message, that sends a few signals to scumteam. Be patient and hope the justiciar is smarter than that.

The Justiciar hasnā€™t been online yet.
Wipes away the message.

Mindmeld accepted, Italy.
Italy is town.
My first verbalized read of the game.

Letā€™s be honest though, the hosts might wait a bit to counter that. Maybe not. I donā€™t know.

I didnā€™t say it was a slip, but it did not convince me to town read him either. The read will come naturally and it shouldnā€™t be forced :woman_shrugging:

I know mindmelds on mechanical stuff are typically not worth anything, but in this specific situation, itā€™s actually what I wanted to see from Italy. I canā€™t explain this well, but the fact he had the thought to say this right now is strongly town indicative to me.

Iā€™m still suspicious of the ā€œno conversionsā€ idea. I feel like alice didnā€™t add convert immune to trick people.

That I can 100% agree with

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Yeah Italy is definitely town

I donā€™t think I know what youā€™re getting at.

Iā€™ll list the conversion possibilites.

  1. There are no conversions.
  2. Alice is tricking us, because weā€™re dealing with a truly unknown threat.
  3. Important BD like prince, king and justiciar are convertible and weā€™re all fucked.

Mechanical mindmelds arenā€™t mindmelds

Stop not suspecting me before I get claimvigged :eyes:

Could you quote

Iā€™m not sure how helpful this is, but there is someone in this match who is basically confirmed town from my perspective and Iā€™m strongly hesitant to say who that is. One reason is the possible existence of conversion (as strongly as I doubt that itā€™s a thing). The other reason is that it will draw nightkills to that person and they are not quite the primary target for scum right now, I believe.

@Ozzkozz Can I hear your thoughts about this post?

Please take the state of the thread into consideration.

Someone said something earlier about prince and justicar possibly being convertable (that actually sounds funny calling people convert able. Iā€™m picturing them all as cars driving down the highway with their tops down and long Justihair blowing in the wind). That would be scary, but also wouldnā€™t we expect the Prince to be converted instead of killed of that was the case? I mean, dead prince is a mess for town, but converted Prince would be more so, donā€™t you think? Has there ever been a converted Prince before? How would their abilities change?

I hate saying this, but Iā€™m not experienced enough to know what this means. Can you help me understand?

It really doesnā€™t amount to anything in this threadstate. It would give scum a default to defer to mechanics, but thereā€™s already an anti-mechanical talk sentiment that was established earlier in the day

  1. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s been a duke game somewhere before.
  2. I donā€™t think they genuinely knew he was prince, but we should move our suspicion to wazza now.

WazzaAzz is my favorite person

Where the fuck did this come from.

I donā€™t think you realise how empower works.