[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

He doesn’t correlate quotes from the ISO to his accusations which is the annoying part

And you read my cases on people

Yes. I’ve already said what it makes me feel like; it feels like you are trying to give off the impression of being exploratory. Impression.

…Why am I even interacting with the scumteam.

Because I’m not scum

I tried so hard not to like this post while I was still a backup.

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It’s really just that I’m being put in a box that annoys me

And when two of the people in your scumcore flip BD, it’ll be too late and the game will probably be lost.

You don’t. You let other people interact with the scum team. Like what Arete has been doing.

I can’t stop laughing. Geyde/Maxwell are literally playing like a team right now. The scumteam is in a box.

I would out right now if I was at risk of being hammered today
luckily i am not

Oh, and thoughts about Magnus? I found his reaction on being crowned king pretty genuine.

In case it wasn’t clear, I am considering a lot of what you guys say. That’s the reason I keep going instead of labeling you as ‘scumteam’ and moving on. I’m actively trying to read your intentions.


He was shitposting until Arete began to interact with him. At that point, he started providing content. I actually agree with some of his thoughts, which is why I’m slightly leaning town on him. Slightly, because there is a real possibility of him being scum. The fact he is mostly lurking and his content is lacking is not a great look for him either. He feels like the Magnus from Nier FM, where he was scum. Noncontributive, mostly avoiding the thread, not in the mood to even shitpost properly.

The fact he was elected King by the scum faction, replacing Hja, was a strange occurrence. That said, Magnus becoming King and claiming Butler does not clear him whatsoever. He should always be in the PoE. I believe he has actually become a bit townier D2 (because his claim matches what he said D1, something that makes him either a legitimate Butler or a scum member with self-awareness/Butler-like abilities). Even so, I want people to interact with him more. There might be a way to take him out of the PoE if that happens.

That’s true.
Will che-
I can’t even check Magnus nani

TL;DR I’m slightly leaning Magnus town.


J/You (Max)/Squid or Ozz

Scum did it brilliant move… they put someone usually in the PoE and made him so he literally cannot be taken out of the PoE…

But then again

I’m going to leave now. We have a lot of time left, and I’ve presented my full case.
Towncore, assemble and debate. Towncore candidates, you are welcome to join the towncore later. Prove your worth.

Go go, Scumhunter Rangers. …That doesn’t sound very good. Eh, I’ll come up with something better later on.

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I haven’t cleared Ozz based on what I’ve seen, why is he a TR for you?

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