[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

i dont think much and i havent had a single interaction with them i think

idk they look townie from amount of posting but i struggle to remember a single thing theyve pushed for its mostly reads from what i can remember

There is still a huge problem with my meta. I townclear myself far too easily when Iā€™m town, and I canā€™t do that as scum.
This isnā€™t a very good meta to have.

I know this comes across as really arrogant, Iā€™m sorry in advance. Iā€™m mostly spilling my random thoughts right now, donā€™t pay attention to me.

What would need to happen for you to be more excited about this match?

gain passion for it

idk you guys spent 24h talking about the same thing over & over without making any advancement

iā€™ve given you the truth. itā€™s your choice whether you want to believe it or not.

What thing?

I kind of feel like crap when playing these games too because Iā€™m always scumrreadā€¦

There is no proof that it wasnā€™t a coincidence, because it was one.

mechanics and stuff like luxyā€™s death and his notes

there is no proof it wasnt not a coincidence

then think about what youā€™re suggesting happened

oh wait there is actually, the fact you sadi the word!!

What the fuck

it was a coincidence.

can you prove it? no!

And you canā€™t prove that it wasnā€™t


you said the word and it is enough for me!!

I believe weā€™re long past that point, fortunately. What are your thoughts about the match right now?

Have you fully caught up with the thread?