[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed


Yeah it sucks I quit :frowning:

Not how that works

This is false

I literally donā€™t know. I havent looked at the second half.

Thank you :heart:

Bassically Aretes arguement is that I call myself LHF as a joke in this game and that I said I was LHF to most people in a cult game that must mean Iā€™m scum.


Please tell me more

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Wait based on what do you think you canā€™t make activity read on arete/good player

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the argument is that u arent playing the game

Itā€™s a pretty good argument ngl, At least Iā€™m sold on it.

IIRC she did the same thing in Abyss to get Margaret mislynched? I could be misremembering the exact details here, but basically as scum she tries to set things up so that people think sheā€™s scum partners with someone else and thereby take them down with her

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Yeah Iā€™m clearly not contributing much even though Iā€™ve contributed my opinion on priestess already

They are a lvl 3 player. Can fake their tone and alignment pretty well, but they still play for their team (since they arenā€™t so gamethrowy like I), so you can read them on their intentions.

At that time, Priestess was pretty much lockscum by mechanics

we both know very well its not enough

oh god no not the MU guides

I seriously doubt that Priestessā€™s situation is exactly like that here unless someone did voodoo magic

How did you decide their play lvl/that they canā€™t be read on tone


Have you ever done something along those lines as BD?