[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Only as town?

Thoughts from hitting the 2000 mark are

I like Areteā€™s callout here. They are typically polite to a fault and I donā€™t think they would show such contained aggression towards Magnus, but either capitalize on it or leave it alone.

Donā€™t think theyā€™d orchestrate that either if both scum, because it is directly insulting, so townlean. (Also Arete easily breaks down in ISOs, so will do that later)

Centuries vs Soul is giving me scum vibes on Soul. They are being overtly defensive on their noncontribution, similarly to Luigiā€™s mansion. Their volume is completely different here, but they have improved that in CoC.

Tele pinged me also here with making very strong reads early on that donā€™t feel so deserved and also LAMIST posts.

I mean he would as scum but that wouldnt matter Cuz he would already know What abil theyā€™re using

Oooh, yeah. I see what you mean now.
Town Magnus shouldnā€™t be confused because he would get a notification. Scum Magnus would be confused either if:

  • he didnā€™t use his ability (someone else crowned him)
  • he was faking it.

The thing is, if someone else crowned him - Iā€™m pretty sure he would be notified as well.
Soā€¦ he was faking it?

Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m not confident in this read at all, but at least I see what Hja is getting at.


Do scum have a disguiser? As in investing scum returning BD

Yes. They have a Godfather. Arete also mentioned that. They also have tailors.

Thatā€™s tailoring, also your timing stinks

I think he faked it he has done that before

But again I am not set on this read

(However Arete bypasses tailors I believe)

I re-read my post and this scenario makes sense to me for some reason.
ā€¦Magnus scum?

Perhaps but why would I believe you?

Because shuri can back me up on what was said

@Shurian get over here.

Magnus claimed Butler that didnā€™t do an action N1ā€¦ he also talked about poisoning the King D1. I actually think heā€™s town here

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ā€¦Lost Wolf soft? Considering he replaced Hja as King the day after that?

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Itā€™s something Magnus would do.

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@Shurian your first post in the hood talks about neighborhoods, spicy memes, and scum arete

He softed his class d1 and he did such an honestly Magnus move and admitted to it so it makes me TR him for that

Iā€™m off.

But use logic here nerds

Would Magnus think about it like that though? Thatā€™s kinda MegaBrain