[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Are they in a thunder dome or could this be wolf theater

@Alice due to loss time because the forums were down can day be extended?

(Can day be extended more)

Accused Voters Vote Count
Marshall SirDerpsAlot, KyoDaz, Jgoesgaming, Shurian, Solic, Cheeki, Tele, 7
KyoDaz Marshall, Arete, H_Hja, PKR, Jake, Ozz 5
Arete WazzaAzza 1

What is this???

Youā€™re saying you prefer a Marshal lynch but youā€™re not going to vote him?

Are you scared of being caught on a bad wagon?

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Ignore the AtE.

Comparing two peoples use of AtE to decide who to vote is terrible


Ive been the top wagon d2 in every game iā€™ve been in.

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Ozz why are you flipping your vote around like thereā€™s no tomorrow. Pick one, if you think both are scummy then it shouldnā€™t matter, if you donā€™t lie me other of the wagons find a new one. Your vote changing is gross.

Wasnā€™t day endā€¦ A few hours ago?
Or is it tomorrow some point?

If you look at my wagon, you have Jgoes, SDA, cheeki, solic

a lot of people who were pused earlier .

My wagon has a ton of sheep on it.

Yeah I already donā€™t like your wagon just because of the people on it

And because of the last 200 messages I read

we had most of out last few hours robbed from us.

(The last 12 hours)

So I think alice is gonna extend it

Someone answer this maybe?

Itā€™s currently 3:22 PM.
This day has been over forā€¦ 7hrs 22mins

Yeah but what can we do about it unless Mono agrees to an extension.

We are in thunderdome.