[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed


Whyā€™s waz voting Arete btw

You saw nothing

Voted ages ago before claim iirc.
And Waz hasnā€™t been here since.

I donā€™t think waz has been on since the thing

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Damn you and your trickery. Ree


Pretty sure you were voting kyo.

Iā€™d love for you to put it back(thatā€™s what she said)

Wazza unvoted Arete a while ago and the vote still wasnā€™t registered

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Do you know how much anxiety it causes when you post a post see it loading for 7 min while people discuss and then get bad gateway error


we also havenā€™t heard from our king in a while.

@Magnus Where arent thou

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Anyway, thereā€™s no real way for me to know, but I guess i will just follow what I originally thought and if Iā€™m wrong that kinda sucks but itā€™s kinda 50/50


I had to sit through posts of kyo shading me with BS without being able to respond/

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Did Marshal/Kyo both claim?

Day start was: Oct 10, 6:05 AM
Day was supposed to last 48 hrs (October 12 6:05 AM)
Extension of 24 hrs. Day will end at October 13 6:05 AM for timezone GMT+1

Yes to my observations they both have

Mystic and priest

Marshal: Mystic
Kyo: Priest.

Kyo was socially confirmed imo so Iā€™m going to vote Marshal over him now

I really think you should reoonsider.

Kyo is a social master. He knows how to get townread.
I have beter evedence backing me up and he has worse evidence going against him.