[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I’m assuming Conduit is a private chat

Does he still have access to it?

Did he specifically say he doesn’t want to share what happened, or did he give a reason for it

You didn’t know? There is no guarantee someone can keep promises.

Fuck off. Anyway, I highly doubt that Kyo would claim Priest as a class that can talk to the dead. Kyo is creative — he claims Inq as MM in ToL… he isn’t a basic bitch. And marshal I think you’re more likely to be basic with your claims.

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And it’s not good evidence either

Luxy softed that he knew my thing (plz visit me marshal)
Scum shattered my mind 5 hours into the day, so they obv knew by then.

Did kyo say he can’t actually talk to the dead or not I’m confused

His mouth is shut as far I notice.

he said he cant talk to the dead or channel…

you know… presit-like abilities.

Th is doesn’t answer any of my questions

This doesn’t answer any of my questions either

If I am wrong about this then I might as well push people who I TR from then on because my reads would just be the opposite of correct. I’d like to hope that I can actually make proper reads

I soft-claimed(said i almost “myst” something d1) but that was too obvious, so some people knew.

Kyo CCed d2, after half the court knew.

Idk what you mean by “did people call you out.”

If you’re doubting one of your reads go read through their ISO or something

Just because one of your reads may be wrong doesn’t mean all of them are, that’s a bad mindset to be in

If you wan’t it, i can summarize everything. Ittll be work, but whatevs.

Did people say like Marshal is Mystic?

When did Kyo figure it out? Did he know D1?

Did you ever hard claim it?

But the other ones have been — that is exactly why I’m not voting Kyo now. I still have hope that not all of my reads were wrong

He would have access to it, I could be wrong, only him has it.

I don’t saw a reason and if he did, I didn’t saw that.

Again, mouth is shut.

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Do you still have access to the chat?

I’d love a summary

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And I’ve already read everything

It’s a “he says he says” there’s no real way to tell who’s telling the truth