[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

No they wouldn’t.

Shurian being scum is ENTIRELY based on Marshal’s flip.

Luxy has stated in his logs Shurian was linked.
I am saying that Marshal may have conduitted Shurian and Luxy as Luxy was townreading Shurian to have him claim, and had Shurian fish Luxy’s role which is what got him killed.
Tell me how the hell me dying would confirm Shurian as scum?
Me living possibly confirms Shurian as scum.

you don’t seem to think you flip town :thinking:

I’m only spewing possibilities here, not setting things in stone.

Although, for once, Wazza actually brought up a point. If the link is real and Luxy didn’t soft his class Day 1, then… Marshal could have realized what Luxy’s class was


What was in that link dies with me if I die until Shurian flips.
If I am alive and the curse is lifted I will channel Luxy and have him tell us.

I hate how I feel like you are Town from this.

That is what I have been saying and how the link may be associated with the anti-claim and how Shurian might have fished it out. That’s why I also do not want to die and self-preservation methods will allow me to confirm or deny Shurian’s innocence.
Actually no. Luxy will confirm or deny Shurian’s innocence.


But if im the one “cursing” you, then why would you go for jgoes lynch but still think the curse will be lifted

I’ve already stated previously as well I did not know anything of Marshal even softing Mystic prior to Shurian saying that which is after I hardclaimed Priest.
I claimed primarily to stop that link claiming as I firmly believe it is associated with the anti-claim.

Also that was just mean.

Yeah, that’s entirely possible.

But it’s not possible to find out from Marshal’s Flip, we need Marshal’s Abilities to figure this out. So can you please, even if you believe Marshal is more Townier than Kyo, vote Marshal, it gives us way more information and lynches a high-chance Scum in my opinion.

Holy shit… I never even thought about that possibility before

You bring up Kyo’s vote on Jgoes too much.

It’s very obvious why they voted them.

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Maybe this is my TMI talking but Luxy was obvious Prince starting from his reaction to the bleed.

I was trying to say “a good point”, but like I usually do, my mind throws me in crappy social situations

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it’s very scummy action.

(Yeah I know I was joking)

Curse you, brain hnggh

Explain how he managed to die after he tried to mercy himself. They bypassed the heal.

@Alice vc?