[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Soulshade, after seeing the fact an omega action can manipulate the King elections, do you believe that an omega action would only limit the Mystic’s ability to conduit three times?

Still, how Luxy somehow got redirected to his own jail and protection failed him is totally not mysterious if he claimed in the link.

PKR consulted with Alice that prince’s protection effect includes his own jail cell.

So no visit preventation

I mean they could likely limit everyones ability by 3 there isn’t a easy way of telling.

I don’t think it would be just mystic if they had that ability

Would you believe me if I told you I have an omega action affecting me that means I can’t talk to the dead or use channel until the person causing it dies?

but he didn’t claim in link, and @Shurian can confirm that.

also @Alice can you PLEASE tell us if cleaiming in mystic link takes off protection.

because that is their only rgument

You are suppose to ask that yourself in PM, come on…

Maybe, sounds somewhat “suspicious” but is possible.

anything is possible with a faction that we don’t know

LHF means what?

You could’ve recieved your scum class and decided: “Yup! I’m gonna claim Mystic as if I’m Scum Mystic, I doubt there’s another person with Religious Fever which I don’t have!”

Scum Mystic.


No one said you knew there was a Priest.


Softed before your claims actually, just in a way we never noticed.

I’ve not been scared nor noticed buzzwords.

Towncore Mystic? Fuck off.

The fact that you are using this as evidence, makes me believe you are more scummy.

@Marshal I just refuted every single one of your claims.

i ahve multiple times

But there’s a chance he could of softed his class in there. Softs are pretty powerful

10/10 refutation f

/Vote Marshal lol calling yourself Lhf.

I’ll still go through yo isos soon but that’s a classic scummy move

guts don’t lynch me I’m Lhf

I am a LHF.

i have been the top wagon d2 in like 80% of my games

I’m also apparently ‘Master of AtE’ when he can’t supply a single quote of one of my scum games where I have used AtE.

Wazza, LHF means Low Hanging Fruit

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I have no reason to believe you, you did speak out of your perspective and Shurian can’t access or remember the talk of 1000-character message with Luxy (latter with ‘remember’)