[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

  1. He clearly focused on what Arete said, right now literally no one remembers Arete saying that.
  2. Now Squid is correct! @PoisonedSquid, guess what, Marshal claimed Mystic to create a thunderdome with the Priest!

Ah so marshal just fucked up then?

I was simply stating why that logic was bad

Hey Kyo, what did it say when you were told your abilities are blocked?

Boom derps here

Because guess what @Marshal

You made me realise you are even more scum!

Wazza you letting luxy bleed out?

Luxy died my dude.


They were strongmanned apparently, it also thunderdomed me and Italy, Luxy jailed themself to add onto it.

oh wait wrong person wtf was there name again who’s bleeing

Lightly paraphrased:
An ancient curse is preventing me from using channel and talking to the dead. I can only use these abilities oncemore when the ancient presence is gone.

Ancient curse is in blue bold.


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my dumb brain had luxy as bleeding

Luxy WAS bleeding.

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So marshal saw his class and went and softed so he could use it later, then realized their was a priest but it was too late

oh are you letting solic bleed?

No, I won’t let them bleed out, but to add onto it, I’m not going to be the one who saves them.

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Explains it I guess.

Omnisapience is to do with God.

Guess what else is to do with God, the Mystic and the Priest are to do with God.