[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Vulgard’s ‘towncore’ list doesn’t mean anything. I’ve learned from experience.

Then you gotta earn it back, no big deal right?

Here is a reply to a post from Wazza here he voted right directly after the VC was posted and another VC came 3 posts later. I just caught you in another lie, Wazza. Keep digging, bud.

Sorry I didn’t post this right away like I said I would. I saw a post that Tele directed at me that I thought was more important to reply to first.

Because I feel like you’re playing differently. Also I was very adamant about my reads originally until Arete, my top scum read, is mechanically confirmed town. I admitted that I was going to step back and be more passive. Is it fine that I admit that I don’t know? Intuition and early game wise, I trust Kyo more. I actually am liking Wazza and Soul defending Kyo here too. But mainly the only thing that’s gonna help me is if I see the flip because then I will be able to figure everything out

I just posted it. Sorry I didn’t ping you in it since you wanted to see it.

Lol I know. It was more of a joking comment than anything. In all seriousness, I really wanted to be on Tele’s town list.

I like you as a person, and I really would like to TR you, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna be on the same team every game

Oh man. I’m sorry. I didn’t want it to seem like I was attacking your playstyle. As I said, I’ve been playing different too.

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I feel like I play every game differently tbh, so I guess SRing you for playing differently is kinda hypocritical of me, but I just have stronger TRs if that makes sense

Meta Reads are bad, especially when you can’t prove that the other party doesn’t know about them.

Well, it was more of PoE than anything. I have a lot of town reads. Maybe more than I should

The Following Vote Counts that were before my first post upon return:

The Following Vote Counts that were after my first post upon return:

The Following Vote Counts that were after my Kyo vote:

The Following Vote Counts after I unvoted Kyo and remembered about plurality:

The Following Vote Counts after I voted Marshal:

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Keep bullshitting, I dare you.

I’m not faulting you for that. That makes a lot of sense.

Also, this will probably be my last short post for a while. My goal is to make all of my posts as concise as possible.

Can anyone Quote posts where ISOs of Kyo/Marshal were made?

Wazza, you literally just proved my point? Are you making these posts for lazy players that can’t be bothered to do their own backchecking, research, and ISOs?

If so, kudos to you, man. You’ve probably caught a few of them.

What do you mean, that post literally destroys your entire evidence?

It is meant for you?


Okay okay okay, am I getting your point incorrectly or something or are you getting my point incorrectly.

I am physically confused now.

That… actually makes sense.


I’m still going after Kyo, screw this.

Look at Marshal’s tone and compare it to Kyo’s.
I come out of that analysis with the conclusion Marshal’s tone is towny and Kyo’s isn’t.
There’s just.
That Marshal is townier than Kyo here.

You gave me a good laugh with that one, thank you. “ooooOOOOooOOOOoo”. I’m dying.

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