[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Make a soul-read on someone hja

I just made soul read on arete

Please Hja. You are town. But donā€™t tunnel people who arenā€™t good tunnelable. Arete isnā€™t scumslipping as scum, when they get tunneled, and Iā€™m flailing 100% when Iā€™m tunneled.

Arete is a ā€œtheyā€, please.

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Your soul is wrong

Explain Why My reasoning on arete is bad And Why they cant be scumread for that or I am moving My tunnel vision back to you

No one said arete scumslipped

Took you long enough

Wasnā€™t what Iā€™m saying.
I meant: try to tunnel people who are tunnelable. Arete will just talk themselves out. And Iā€™ll just get lynched. There is no gain in tunneling one of us.
Always think about what you want to achieve, if you start to tunnel someone.

I donā€™t like this argument one bit

Why do you think arete will talk themself out if scum Wut

/vote Hjasik king

They dissapeared after being scumread Doesnt sound Very true

Iā€™m convinced hjasik is town now

Because they are a hecking good player.
Arete shouldnā€™t be online on this time anyways, so donā€™t expect too much :wink:
Yes, Hja is town.

Iā€™m so confused about what this post is even arguing

Iā€™m doing my O-chem pre-lab

inb4 Iā€™m barely conscious in lab tomorrow from staying up all night

Them being Good player doesnt mean they can talk themself out can you provide reason to think they are Good in this area

Arete is a decent player yes. Arete is not unlynchable and pressure on her is worth it because it allows her to explain her thought process.

I donā€™t like the fact youā€™re trying to stop hja from pressuring Arete

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Sorry, I realize I was buddying with a fellow judge. Go ahead and pressure them.