[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Can I please not give scum tips how to play :eyes:

Well firstly no you are pushing Person And trying to get info from them

On whole lvl Its rather the thread movement you are less focusing on your goal but rather trying to get towncred with that it is obviously better to Let Person in question defend themself rather than taking that opportunity And pressure from them

I believe your first hesitation in answering it/posting is enough to prove you are scum here

I was trying to see how she responded because I was pretty sure Iā€™d be able to deduce things about her thought process + mindset

I can and will answer you this question, but rn I think that itā€™s a bad time to do it.

Can you please give me what information you would gain depending on what way she responded?

Hard disagree in this instance, Priestess defending herself using the logic I was using wouldā€™ve been 100 percent self-meta, which isnā€™t super helpful. Meta defenses are more useful when they come from other players besides the person being accused.

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Because the question is so bad.

You canā€™t townread off it because scum will just say something that they are not doing currently and you canā€™t scumread off it because it forces townies to self-meta which is scummy

In my caseā€¦ YOU CAN.

Meta is party useful but you could have waited before She gave her Defense to see What comes out of it

What defense. Which defense. How when what

So if you were scum youā€™d say exactly what you are currently doing is what you would do as scum in response to that question

There are literally an infinite possible number of responses she could give, I obviously canā€™t enumerate every possible way she could respond but I was expecting to get something.

ā€¦this admittedly did not work as well as I was expecting it to in my head.

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This is objectively true

Iā€™m awfully honest as each alignment.

That honest you claim neut

Claiming neut is no lieā€¦

What sort of definition of lie are you using??

The hesitation is enough of scumtell for arete it is scumtell in general And I saw it in LoTR from them

Generally when I go into a line of questioning I think about possible responses that they could give and what that would say about their alignment.

On this point I think Areteā€™s intentions are genuine. For now.