[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

All the more reason to solve this game today and contribute as much as I can.
I’m honestly thinking Blizer is more and more town because he’s thinking of possibilities / interactions we haven’t brought up yet. He’s being exploratory and I like what he’s discovering.

That explains why I got into neighborhood

Not this shit again. You’re lying.

Me and Hja were put into chat

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I can confirm

Also no offense, but Vulgard, you may have contradicted yourself that scum is losing KPN potential (yes it is meant for night kills for that term but hear me out) and you didn’t thought of that when lovers part come up?

What chat?

The fuck? Derps and Hja?
That’s the weirdest set of targets for a neighborhood chat / lover interaction.

@Emilia You might have to sacrifice yourself for the cause later.

Let’s go back to exe and get Hja killed :eyes:

Lovers chat


It put two town together for some reason

If host do that through RNGesus yes.

Maybe the omega actions cause a random effect that isn’t necessarily bad and is rng related

If that was the cause, Arete would have mentioned that

Arete might not have know that info

Or I’m wrong, but arete didn’t seem to know about whatever this stuff is

Interesting how his first thought is not to share the fact he was put in a neighborhood with Hja. One would assume it’s pretty important considering it explains the scumteam’s action.

Jake immediately hardtunnels Derps and:

I wonder if he knew about the fact two people would die with that lynch? I understand Marshal going for it but Jake is kinda weird. I know he was an early voter on the Kyo wagon but these votes seem… deliberate now.

Maybe I’m just tinfoiling.

To be fair Hja didn’t share the fact she had a chat with Derps either but… hm.

Still one sarcastic way to increase KPN

Also out of the box conversion to make lover side with scum as BD aaaaaarrrrghh