[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Are those lists in order of when vote was placed?

In order yes, since GT got pardoned.

I saw you there, Priestess.

Stop slanking :eyes:

Another example of sirderps pulling a kyo and voting whoever looks to have the most traction.

Hold on, itā€™s not based on counterclaim? What do you mean by that?

Derps has sheeped whoever has had the most traction.

Goes from magnus>wazza without a thought.

Kyo did the same thing earlier

I have to do some sanding, so I might be unavailable for a couple hours.

/vote WazzaAzza

Can someone please make a plan?

I think derps has potential to be the most important syndicate.

Same for Jack and Blizer?

Something to consider for night action I suppose.

Those are different, as there was no pressure on them.

also jake is kinda a known sheep.


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The plan:(what it looks like):
RN itā€™s 5(sscum + LW) v 14.(BD)

Execute wazza(4v14)
italy dies at night(it will happen, donā€™t question it)
Someone from BD dies most likely


we execute sirderps or king( i actually think king) and occ the other one.


Hopefully no nightkill, and then execute derps


Then we try to find the last remaining syndicate.

This is if POE is correct, but i really feel it is.

Invests should check people on the fringe of POE(solic, squid, etc)

Offensives and killers (unelss specified otherwise) should get derps(not italy)
Butlers poision king if they can.

I will link whom i link.

healers, preferably on me, but you can also just WIFOM.
Probably let solic bleed out.

I keep my plan to myself.


Are current non-voters.

Also wow, forum is acting up again

I hate these misleading ISOs, but the above post was made BEFORE cards were handed out, so derpclear (:wink: ) denied.

Sounds kind of annoyed that Hja became queen.

ā€¦ So antitownā€¦

Why do hyperposters always hide such scummy posts and noone bats an eye.

This is a pretty good post however.

Hereā€™s hoping hmm. :roll_eyes:

More covering for being lazy. Feels like overcompensation.

Actually I totally mindmeld with this conclusion.

Wow, I didnā€™t think Iā€™d find this in Derps ISOā€¦

You better keep this promise. :eyes:

Kind of hypocritical considering what you said earlier.

Geyde/Blizer and SirDerp arenā€™t on the same scumteam and that was a towny comment from Sir.

Apt statement on useless mechanical fluff.


I feel like this would be mentioned everywhere in scumchat, so good look.

We just left Italy chilling for ages. I remember those strange posts of him now.

Donā€™t test me.

Pretty chill comment for being scumread.

Note that Kyo was townreading Sir however.

Wow, now I really donā€™t see them on the same team.

I think itā€™s been clear.

Just put through this scummy comment through it as well though. I can empathize with being annoyed by purely mechanical players however.

Hmmmm kind of past the point of any semblance of distancing.

Words of wisdom

I just noticed ISOs break down 10000+ posts and you canā€™t see around itā€¦ thatā€™s real annoying.

So much mechanical fluff. We need to start cracking down on fluffā€¦ It just massively obscures information.

This is always universally seen as scummy, but Iā€™ve only ever seen it come from town. Done it myself tooā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

These votes are kind of bad considering they were so heavily against Italy.

Hesitation on PR claims is nice as scum knows who is town already, so they would back off with less progression than this.

Hmmmm it wasnā€™t really. :eyes: Bit defensive.

AAHHHH I want to context read this, but I canā€™t, because ISOs are now brokenā€¦

Oh it was the whole Mystic has linked Shurian thing. Still want to know why she didnā€™t use Wisp. :thinking:

Paying attention to bleeding claims is in accordance with their claim.


I donā€™t think this is said when you have the option to clean.

They hinted they would do this as well alreadyā€¦ you traitor! Which also might have been the trigger for scum to disrupt him in it.

Lol if this happened.

Sweet jesus please.

I donā€™t think theyā€™d hard defend scumbuddy close to lynch.

Lots of posts on the Kyo/Marshal debacle, which amount to some of the same, but the persistence is quite towny.

This weirds me out, because it seems like Magnus is distancing from Sir, but Sir just seems genuine.


Like this is pretty hardpushing on them.

They also stick to their guns.

WAIT WHAT??? @SirDerpsAlot Explain this.

They completely drop Italy from all their suspicions and itā€™s not like Italy became a lot townier all of a sudden.

In addition, @SirDerpsAlot Iā€™m waiting for that thought process.

Hell to the no.

