[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Oh, Eevee, scum are too OP for that

if we GT’d Pkr, we had an ability that made it so that he needed 1 vote less.

so we woulda won.

Marshal, I am aware of it and I still say it was still winnable.

Second off, an apology to @Vulgard

I was scum this game.
In trying to get out of the proverbial box because you had me down to the T, I felt it necessary to break your will to play the game. I attempted to do this by using AtE alongside past experiences in mashes to give off the impression that I no longer felt any reason to play the game.
I am extremely sorry for this. I did not do it in good faith, even if it was proEV
I replaced out because I felt that this action broke numerous rules of integrity

I hope you can forgive me for what I did


also, if i had suicicdde bombed and ozz claimvigs someone, we have true parity and cannot lose


so scum won the game today no matter what.

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Basically, the wolves had a claimvig.

The claimvig was a backup in case their main KP died.


i could have gotten him lynched
but i was really tired and slept through a good part of the day

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This was an extremly fun read.
Some of my early d1 reads from spectating include. Marshal was Lw or scum. Soul was scum. Geyde and Solic are town (this was really bad). Priestess was town and arete was town. Fun read to bad yall had bad luck and a strong ass team to go against

But, like i said at the beginning of the game, the templar is not gonna die

I will repeat, they did not.

Also, everyone clearing Ozz/Marshall/Jake for the dayclean was really, really, really bad.



They would have

Votes for king on me were tripled

Okay it’s 6v7.

I suicide bomb, making it 5v6.

Ozz claimvig, making it 5v5 with we having king

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so no, we could not have lost.

I am aware of it, lmao.

Eevee, I’m already ticked off by how unfair this was. Please just give it a rest

Games over, I wanna see Alice ModRant

i need popcorn

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God, I want to roll scum as utter revenge now

What we can take from this game

Design town before designing scum
Consistency is good, but if that consistency is ridiculously effective, don’t have it

Town kp and scum kp should be roughly 50/50

That was simply not the case this game

Scum had 2.25 kp
Town had just 4 kills over 3 cycles (1.33)

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