[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

It’s someone else

assume :clap; cleaned :clap: flips :clap: are :clap: town :clapper:


Too much AtE makes you insensitive to AtE

Ah, I see.
That makes sense.
Still zero clue why people thought an omega action would limit a Mystic to ‘only’ being able to link three times.
While I’m sitting over here claiming robbed of my abilities.

Guess I’ll take it as a lesson learnt :slight_smile:

i hated the day phase being so long

blizer was the scum mystic.

I was making an obvious soft to point out as a bait for a later hunter claim.

But then i was towncleared for my dumbass fake bait so i just went with it.


Sulit, Centuries, Squid, Cheeki, and Wazza targetted Luxy the night Marshall rampaged on him.

Imagine what would happen if Luxy didn’t prevent visits to himself by jailing himself.


48/24 or 36/12 is my gold standard

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It’s because we don’t know exactly what would happen and therefore yeah

BD was more uninformed than usual in this setup, it’d be healthy for evils to clean their teammates to prevent any unhealthy info leaks.

That was the idea for the rampage lmao.

I was suprised i got no flips from that.

no day should ever be 96 hours IMHO, not even day 1

I would’ve actually been able to use an action

Oh wait

How did wazza not die?

Again, town needs to stop relying on mechanics over reads.

You CC’ing Marshall was an extremely villagery thing to do and I have no idea why you were lynched over him.

There is a reason we used rampage


When yer reads were right but yer reads are wrong

Conflicting role claim as evil makes me rewrite, not CC.

Wanted to say couple more things, but whatever, setup does seem scumsided, as game ended pretty damn early.