[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Oh my god it clearly doesnā€™t want to answer that one

Should the theme be KPop
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: It is certain

Are hoes mad
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

6 players in a 25 isnā€™t bad

Thank you kanye
very cool

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When you consider the base is 3 in a 16, majority is leaned further to scum. Thatā€™s a bad thing with the god-tier arsonist dayvig strongmanā€¦

FM but people can only reply with hoes mad to AtE


usually the scum to town in fm is scum*3 +1 for the number of town and that gets you 18+1. So 19 +6 that gets you 25. Its pretty common number. The KP was slightly raised but it wasnt a bad setup just a little imbalanced

in fact if we go by the player count formula for scum members and solve for X.
we get 8

Point: Scum were very powerful, and had 6 players. This is 2 more than the maximum amount of cult. Cult makes up for their numbers with the lack of uniqueness, and the fact that they arenā€™t very strong alone. Numbers were much more than their strength. Every syndicate member was unique and had an ability that could hit town painfully hard.

Scum had higher kp so not in this case


Hey guys while weā€™re waiting for other games to start come join this one

I only could kill if I was attacked by my scum team, all scum die or I could kill king at any point (Also guessing who prince is and prince dies or I just die guessing wrongly).

But there were no neuts, no conversion, and like 13 more BD

BD also had 8-9 more than usual. so like its not as bad as u think