[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

my biggest lessons for both of us:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your reads may be wrong but youā€™re still really fun to play with

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Like 5 during all Forum

This is free verse poetry :upside_down_face:

Lesson #1 for me:
NEVER claim.
NEVER soft.
unless Iā€™m minutes or less away from death

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Lesson #1 for you:
Donā€™t lead too strongly such that no one else can come to the forefront.
No oneā€™s reads are ever iron clad, and when they are all bad, it ends horribly as it did here.


As far as I can tell from scumchat the greencheck on you was a bigger consideration

Lesson #2 for me:
be more active and stop putting off ISOā€™ing and reading.
Do it fast, do it often, and do it convincingly.
The fact that I got copped n1 is inexcusable.

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listens to Maxwell

I should probably stop reading, tbh.
It has never ended well.


Lesson #2 for you:
Never turn off the switch to listen to anyone, even if youā€™re more certain in them being scum than youā€™ve ever been before. Closing your mind off to alternative possibilities which may exist always hurts town.

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Lesson number 3 for me:
STOP speaking on this forum while in mobile.
While on mobile, I speak much slower and end up making terrible posts like I did trying to defend myself from your accusation a week ago.
No matter what anything is, it can wait until I can access my laptop. I shouldnā€™t even be looking at this forum on mobile to eliminate the possibility that I could be tempted to speak through there.

Every time Iā€™ve defended myself on mobile itā€™s blown up in my face. I can point to other examples if ppl would like.

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I Use mobile 95% of times when I am here

replaces in
Vul: i will help you solve my alignment
Vul: mislynches 2 people

well i wasnā€™t wrong

Lesson #3 for you: Resist the temptation to wallpost talking about your thoughts on a particular player. ISOā€™s lose their power fast when you jumble things up and donā€™t attribute text to a specific quote. If you can, ISO the traditional way instead by attributing specific quotes to each bit of commentary. And posting tendencies or an ISO in general can never make anyone locktown or lockscum. Be perceptive and never let yourself convince yourself that a read must be correct no matter what.

You never want to be talking to yourself like you did here. Talking to yourself is the best way to convince yourself that your reads are unflappable which very well can blow up in your face.

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I have a shitty asus phone that has great lag on this site.

A what?

an asus smartphone
it sucks

I had no idea Asus phones existed.