[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Bad players in. improving players in. Everyone in!

Apparently Luxy was obviously Prince D1 but I had no idea.

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Same. How did you guys know?

I didnt either

You had to lead to fill the void that Tele and I left.

why soft d1?

Because I had a N0 notification that he was the Prince

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I think i forgot everything that happened here d1

Also @PokemonKidRyan that play was atrocious and was borderline throwing. I mean really? Bleeding someone for pushing on you on a day that had NO lynch?

Please put some effort in if you plan to play future games.

Honestly a big stuff up from me not realising Justi knew who prince was

Huuh harsh wordsā€¦

Luxy, calm down (and switch chat)

and i did a terrible job at that
i donā€™t know i just donā€™t think Iā€™m fit for leading after it has failed me so horrendously

Probably discuss that with Eevee who wasnā€™t in the game and doesnā€™t have biased views.

He also was the last straw in getting kyo killed

with this

If getting Kyo killed was throwing youā€™re going to need to blacklist an awful lot of people.

you should blacklist me

itā€™s not.
There was no throwing in this game
PKR bleeding luxy was just a terrible play
But so was luxy softing
Both were equally bad

@anon97870008 i want to be Lord Mislynch pls do I have to pay you

I never softed