[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Cause I didn’t set it up on purpose and got afraid that you’ll lockscum me and mislynch me like always.

So you didnt fakescumslip on purpose

Still relevant

You got lynched for claiming neut I wont buy that you didnt Expect to be scumread

Okay I reread your Iso and I figured out what you’re softing but scum can soft classes too, is that the thing you’re thinking confirms you?

I expected not this whole “reee Priestess claimed scum, THAT MEANS SHE IS SCUM”
because this thought train is weird as hell

If you think I’m softing something in particular, then you should know the answer to that.
Some classes are easily more confirmable than others.

You just activated My trap card

Lol, care to share?

Alright time for everyone but prince to claim their prince

Yes you Liked My post Where I was voting you

You ignored reads on you

(Saying to vote you d2)

… and? Sorry wdym why I did it?

I did defend myself, so what do you want to say :thinking:

You purposefully acted scummy at that point

You Liked post didnt answer reasoning there was no Defense


This is post you Liked

You didnt answer it And posted other stuff after it

The more I read Luxy, the more I get pinged by things.
I really think Luxy is scum here.

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