[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

You rolled 1 vig
Hunter is meh at killing

Hunter, Archer, Prince. Only one is guaranteed.

That’s not how it worked. The mark of apocalypse was separate from my visit me and get perma framed passive.

I mean rolled three vigs
Prince was always happening

Hunter is technically a vig, so it’s 2-3

It really isn’t
It’s not proactive

Yeah, anyone who visited the target got mark of the apocalypse

the person you targeted got frame

I understand the point of it

Hunter ain’t active, and needed coordination for HM

Well technically, you did say BD killers :eyes:

Come to think of it…
I seem to recall myself softing but I have no idea if you guys caught that. You probably did.
Did you?

U rite

We caught it

I honestly have no idea why I did that when I was going to get properly linked regardless.

But honestly my slot has already fakeclaimed beforehand, so.

No that person wouldn’t get framed?

It said in your class card that it did

The Mark of the Apocalypse is only relevant for my omega action, it’s seperate from Omen of Remorse. I asked Alice about that.

Worst town players this game IMHO:

  1. Me as previously elaborated. Had a horrific day 1 leading to me getting copped and occupied by town. Failed to ever really ISO multiple people or make depthful readlists. Went inactive for the last 12 hours on day 2 when I was the only person who could have saved Kyo. Surrendered way too early, stupidly softed my classtype at SoD2 and then my actual class later and just gave up on a mechanic-less defense way too fast.

  2. PKR – bled prince randomly day 1 and fell into shallow slippery slope scum argument traps

  3. Vulgard – became unflappable in his reads in deathtunneling the two most powerful town investigators in which nothing non-mechanical could have changed them.

  4. Everyone else who hardclaimed or softed their class – can you not read? there was a dangerous anti-claim mechanic in play and it just seems most didn’t care

  5. Arete – your logs clearing of Marshal sealed it. When would scum seriously be cleaned there??

oh, its if they visit you


